Fandom drivers From fan psychology to NFT demand

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The 20,000 foot view: Fandom is entertainment’s growth currency, yet it remains both under-valued and poorly understood. While other entertainment currencies can be accurately measured (number of streams, number of sales, number of views, etc.) it is only the effects of fandom that can be quantified (number of likes / shares, merchandise sales, etc.). Measuring the effects of fandom is a blunt approach that also fails in one crucial aspect: understanding what is driving fandom and, therefore, how to better nurture and monetise it. NFTs and other digital collectibles may yet play that role.
Key Insights
- There are key psychological triggers for fandom: / identity, communal experience, emotional and personal bond
- Fandom operates a cultural framework that is around rituals, icons, and symbols
- Large-scale fanbases like consumers adopt technologies, starting tastemakers, moving to follower fans, finally to mainstream fans
- The lifecycle the individual fan level follows phases: discover, immerse, and hibernate remain / fade
- The fan comprises three elements: audiences, fans, superfans – with average spend user (ARPU) increasing down the while segment size reduces
- Audience behaviour most widespread (e.g., stream music, live sports), and fan behaviour smaller (e.g., watch games-related videos) super fan behaviour is niche buy music merch, buy TV film merch)
- The average fanbase comprises audience, fans, and of consumers buy music merch, sports merch, and TV and film merch
of consumers claim to understand what non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are, while claim to understand what blockchain is
- Music looks a good fit for NFTs of consumers would be interested buying a digital collectible from favourite artist, compared to overall in digital collectibles
- Games fans, show strongest demand for digital from their favourite music artists, at of sandbox games fans
- The highest among sports fans is basketball is anime and music is hop
- Decentralised autonomous (DAOs) represent a strong near-term for artist fanbases
- The future fandom will be defined by tribalism, monetisation, saturation, and digitisation