Music streaming consumer profile Q4 2024 Stabilisation and fandom slowdown

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Consumer music behaviours are both stabilising and showing signs of coming change. Change that could be challenging for all music business stakeholders, especially with regards to fandom monetisation. This report presents data-focused visuals and impactful analysis of trends and anomalies that will inform your understanding of what is happening to today’s music consumer, why it is happening, and where these trends are heading.
Key data and insights in this report:
This report presents MIDiA consumer data for key music consumer behaviours in Q4 2024. Data covered includes streaming app usage, music behaviour, music discovery, and willingness to subscribe. All data is from our Q4 2024 survey, fielded in US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, South Korea, Brazil n = 9,019. Unless otherwise stated, all data refers to the weighted average of all countries surveyed (i.e., reflective of the respective populations of the countries).
Words: 3080 Infographics: 14 Pages: 28
Brands, companies, and artists mentioned: Amazon Music, Apple Music, Deezer, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Tidal