The Streaming Effect Assessing The Impact Of Streaming Music Behaviour

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The 20,000 Foot View
Streaming has arrived and is here to stay, that much is clear. What is not is how it will impact existing music revenue streams. Though neither a business model nor a product, streaming is the lens through which the irresistible force of the shift from ownership to access is best understood. The first shift to digital was as disruptive as it was transformative. The shift to access based models though represents a more dramatic shift that challenges existing business models to the core. The first wave of subscribers was harvested directly from the most valuable download buyers, denting music sales in the process. The next wave must both better compete with free streaming and draw from a more mainstream customer base.
Key Findings
- Free streaming where the heat is: global will total million by the of 2014 but ad supported will reach million
- But free not yet effectively monetized: ad average revenue per user will by the end of 2014, to for paid subscriptions of consumers are music streamers, with a fifth of them paying to stream to years olds have the highest paid-to-free ratio while to year olds have the highest overall streaming penetration at of music streamers stream audio for free and stream music videos
- Free is willingness to pay: of music won’t pay for music because get all they need for from YouTube
- Streaming is music buying: of music streamers stopped buying more than one a month
- Download sales continue to feel the pinch of all music downloaders also streamers
- Significant opportunity remains untapped: only of streamers tried a subscription trial while pay for one
- Streaming has the impact of piracy by a hierarchy of free in consumers have multiple free alternatives
Companies mentioned in this report: Spotify, Apple, Amazon, YouTube, Nielsen, Triton, Adswizz, Beats, Bandpage, Topspin