Reports Critical Developments

The Paywall Paradox Ring Fencing Advertising’s Most Valuable Consumers

Mark Mulligan
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The 20,000 Foot View

Music and video subscribers are the most influential technology and brand advocates amongst their peer groups and are therefore the most valuable users for advertisers and brands to reach. They are consuming progressively more content behind paywalls, which, as predominately ad-free spaces, represents a growing challenge for marketers. These consumers are also driving growth in social e-commerce and voice-activated devices, which, though still embryonic in development, will grow into more sophisticated and efficient sales tools for brands. To capitalise on this rapid evolution of the digital commerce ecosystem, marketers have to adopt a new two-fold methodological approach to engage these difficult to reach but critically valuable consumers. 

Key Insights

               of consumers like to be the first to try out new technology and services, rising to            of Amazon Prime Video weekly active users (WAUs) and            of Apple Music subscribers            of consumers are sought by others for tips on music and TV shows, rising to            of Netflix WAUs and            of Apple Music subscribers            of consumers skip online ads, rising to            of Spotify Premium subscribers             of consumers use voice control on a phone or home device every day, rising to            of Amazon Prime Video WAUs and            of Apple Music subscribers            of consumers do not skip ads deemed relevant to them, rising to            of Amazon Prime Video WAUs and            of Spotify Premium subscribers 
  • Apple Music            are the most likely consumers            actively seek out messages from            they want to hear 
  •            of consumers follow their favourite brands on social media, rising to            of Amazon Prime Video WAUs and            of Apple Music subscribers
Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon, Amazon Video, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Echo, Apple Home Pod, Apple Music, Facebook, Netflix, Snap Inc., Spotify, Tencent