The Emergence Of The Always On Gamer Profiling Console Owners

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The 20,000 Foot View: The game console owner segment is evolving fast. Still relatively young for now, console game fans are both aging and heading towards truly mainstream demographic distribution. Simultaneously, console subscription models are gaining traction, migrating premium physical software budgets into digital spend. This, combined with multiplatform gaming habits and high overall digital sophistication, makes games console owners of increasing importance to game publishers across platforms, as well as media companies and digital content providers more broadly.
Key Findings:
- Games console represent of consumers across US, Australia and Canada of console owners are female, while awareness of key titles skews male. of console owners are more than years old
- Games titles the oldest age ratings skew youngest in fandom of console owners have or more different digital subscriptions
- Console owners mobile gamers in weekly active of key mobile games of console owners play mobile games, while of mobile gamers have a console of console owners play computer games every month, compared to consumer average of console owners play games on Facebook or Messenger every week, compared to of consumer average
Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Activision Blizzard, Amazon Fire TV, Apple, Apple TV, Assassin’s Creed, Call Of Duty, Candy Crush, Clash Of Clans, Clash Royale, EA, Facebook, FIFA, Final Fantasy, Google, Google Chromecast, Grand Theft Auto, Messenger, Minecraft, Play Station, PS Now, Roku, Supercell, Tencent, The Sims Xbox, Xbox Game Pass