Recorded Music Market 2017 Streaming Accelerating Growth

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The 20,000 Foot View: Recorded music revenues are booming and the distribution end of the value chain is both vibrant and competitive. This has not been the case for many, many years. Streaming is on course to become the main revenue source, while the slowdown in legacy format decline is enabling that growth to lift the overall market at a greater rate. The big record companies retain their dominant market positions, but, just as on the distribution side of the equation, the rights side of the recorded music market is undergoing transformation, with artists going direct the big revenue trend to surface in 2017.
Key Findings
- Global recorded revenues reached billion, up billion 2016
- Streaming was key driver of growth, up on year to reach billion
- Legacy formats and downloads) were down million; was less than million lost 2016
- Label revenue performance royalties and synchronisation reached in 2017, representing of the
- Universal Music the largest label group in with annual revenues of followed Sony Music and Warner Music
- Warner Music the fastest growing major with growth, though Universal Music added most revenue in absolute terms
- Independent labels another strong year, growing by reach million
- Artists direct artists without labels) were the gainers in 2017, growing by reach million,
- Artists direct its market share from (2015) to (2017) while Warner Music its share from in 2015 in 2017
- Artists direct independents combined represented of all in 2017
Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon, Apple, Apple Music, Bandcamp, Believe Digital, CD Baby, Cooking Vinyl, Deezer, Napster, Sony Music, Spotify, Tunecore, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group