Reports Audio

Podcasts and gamers How audio can propel the gaming universe

Annie Langston and Kazia Rothwell
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20,000 foot view:  The rise of games-inspired content is taking entertainment by storm. This illustrates the power of not only games content itself, but the fandoms that keep it alive, revealing an audience for other entertainment formats to tap into. As games aficionados over-index for a variety of podcasting behaviours, podcasts are an opportunity for games companies to turn many of the adverse effects of attention inflation into opportunities to drive fandom, engagement, and revenue along the way.

Key insights 

  • As of                       of all consumers are games            – defined as the consumers            spend the most time and            on games – making them            key entertainment segment
  • Almost half            games aficionados listen to podcasts            month, and            listen daily, compared            the average consumer at            and           
  • As consumers            from pandemic lockdowns, per MIDIA’s            economy model, game playing hours            more than podcast listening, which            since started trending upward
  •            of games aficionados pay attention to audio ads compared to the            consumer average
  • Games /            was the fastest-growing podcast genre                       2022 to            2022, highlighting the            opportunity for gaming companies to            podcast content
  • As podcast            fragments across various platforms, gaming            platforms such as Twitch will            a key role in reaching            listeners
  • Gamers are            entertainment multitaskers:            of gamers listen            podcasts while playing video games,            exercising, and            while doing household           

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Audioboom, BBC            Beautiful / Anonymous , Chris Gethard, Comic Con, Distractible, Dropped Frames, Dungeons & Dragons , HBO Max, iHeartMedia, iHeartLand, Madden NFL , Markiplier, Minecraft , NFL, Splinter Cell, Spotify, Succession, The Last of US , Twitch, Yakuza , YouTube, YouTube Live