Reports Games

Mobile App Payments Fishing For Whales And Minnows

Karol Severin
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The 20,000 Foot View

           of mobile app revenue is concentrated in            of app buyers with the majority of that revenue driven by in-app purchases. These ‘whales’ are the beating heart of the mobile app economy but their small number means that they make precarious foundations for the market. In a similar manner to the music industry, a large part of total revenue is driven by a small number of super-fans, while the vast majority of mainstream consumers remain free users. As a result any behavioral change among the small body of buyers has the power to shape the entire global app economy. 

Key Findings

  • Only            of            pay to download apps or            in-app payments
  • Downloads and            Purchases (IAP) account for            of            app revenue
  • Smartphone penetration            app payment penetration do not            correlate 
  • Smartphone penetration            an even gender distribution, but            app payers are male
  • Although the            of app revenue comes from            buyers, the pool of app            is approximately            larger
  • King has            active monthly users, only            million            whom account for its entire            representing a            free-to-paid conversion ratio
  •            of app users spend            or more per month, accounting for            of revenue from app spenders            of app users spend below            per month, accounting for            of revenue from app spenders
  • IAP bundling            a potential route to mainstream            but over bundling could lead            app economy devaluation

Companies mentioned in this report: Apple, Google, KING