In-game spending Cross-entertainment product strategy

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The 20,000 Foot View: Games revenue growth is about to slow, with in-game spending the sector set to retain most momentum. Simultaneously, other entertainment sectors will actively seek to monetise digital fandom. Future games revenue will need to tap opportunities beyond games-related spending alone, and the wider entertainment demands of consumers. Integrating cross-entertainment thinking into games product strategy and games design will be crucial to long-term competitive differentiation and revenue diversification for games companies.
Key Insights
- The oncoming recession along with longer-term drivers cause global games revenue growth slow from in 2021 to 2027
- In-game spending account for an increasing share global games revenue, from in to in 2027
- The future potential of in-game spending lies catering to consumers’ wider entertainment, and digital existence needs
- Games companies ideally positioned to cater to needs, just as other entertainment are looking to reinvent their fandom monetisation activities for the era
- Working with partners will enable games product to create features yielding incremental and revenue for each industry
- To bridge feature design and cross-entertainment thinking, teams must concentrate on digital needs that occur across entertainment
- For younger (the mainstream consumers of tomorrow), needs revolve particularly around managing overload and consumption friction, digital and co-creation
Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Discord, FaceTime, GTA, Instagram, Microsoft, Roblox, Snapchat, TikTok, Twitch, Voicemod, YouTube
Note: MIDiA’s definition of global games revenue excludes hardware and any subscriptions purchased outside games.