Holiday Gifting Music’s Gifting Digital Double Whammy

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The 20,000 Foot View
The music industry has long placed supreme importance on the holiday season and it is a habit that dies hard. Release schedules are still geared towards the period and seasonal sales expectations, or least hopes, remain high. Yet gifting has been one of the biggest victims of the digital transition with digital gifting failing to capture the imagination of mainstream consumers. If a natural digital path cannot be plotted for music gifters the holiday season will ultimately lose most of its impact.
Key Findings
- Holiday gifting facing a double whammy of continued dependence on the CD of weak interest in digital
- Music gifting becoming the last bastion of CD: consumers will gift a this holiday season, more than other music product
- The strongest performer is digital gift cards of consumers would rather gift a book or some other physical gift rather than digital music
- A fifth consumers do not think digital makes a good holiday gift of consumers gifted music last holiday season but will not do this year of digital gifters are male compared to for physical music gifters
- Physical music are aging: just are aged compared to of digital gifters
- The digital sector will grow but it never rival the physical gifting at its peak