Reports Music

DSP user profiles Small is beautiful

Report by Mark Mulligan
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20,000 foot view:  With streaming music now in its mature growth stage in most leading music markets, differentiation will be key to unlocking further growth pockets. While this will likely require innovation in both product and licensing, there are already clear signs that the streaming services are developing userbases with distinct and varied behaviours and characteristics. The overriding theme is that userbases of larger services are more mainstream and less engaged, while smaller ones lean towards highly engaged music fans.

Key insights 

  • YouTube and            lead music streaming weekly active            (WAU) penetration, with            and            respectively,            Amazon’s Prime Music is third                      
  • YouTube has            highest share of users            that            also daily users, while most            services are below           
  • Prime Music            the oldest WAU userbase (an            age of            while all other            are, on average, aged in                      
  • Smartphones still            streaming listening, but rates vary            DSP userbase, with Spotify being            highest            and Tidal the lowest           
  • Tidal’s audiophile            is illustrated by the fact            has the highest share of                       who listen via home stereos
  • Amazon’s Echo            has paid dividends, with Amazon            Unlimited consumers most likely to            via smart speakers           
  • Userbase size            listening are inversely correlated –            (fewest users) has the highest                       weekly hours), YouTube (most users)            just            hours
  • The more            the userbase is, the more            spread user genre preferences are,            the inverse also true
  • Only            of            users report that they mainly            to new music, illustrating the            between the industry classification of            and user perceptions
  • Tidal users            the most engaged music fans            the most likely to be            aficionados            to listen to full                       and to buy merch           

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon, Amazon Echo, Amazon Music, Amazon Music Unlimited, Apple Music, ByteDance Music, Deezer, SoundCloud, Spotify, Tidal, TikTok, YouTube, YouTube Music