Reports Critical Developments

Content Bubbles and Streaming Peaks Media And Tech Trends That Will Shape 2018 And Beyond

Mark Mulligan
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The 20,000 Foot View:  This report is a write up of key themes from one of MIDiA’s 2018 keynotes looking at the key trends, innovations and disruptions that will shape media and technology over the coming years. The full presentation is published online alongside this report.

Key Findings

  • Much of            vast amount of content, brands            experiences built for Gen Zs            ‘Baby Boomers’) are a product            the VC bubble, which will            when the tech majors are           
  • The tech            (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook) each            their respective markets—a sign of            market immaturity
  • Regulation of            tech majors could result in            spin offs of divisions such            YouTube, Instagram and Prime
  • The FCC’s            to roll back Obama-era net            laws highlights that telcos are            the squeezed middle between media            distribution
  • While media            fight a rear-guard action to            against distribution insurgents, telcos will            start imposing their own rules            tariffs 
  • Binge watching            critical mass fast and is            at the later stage of            growth curve, but playlisting is            out much earlier and at            rates
  • Both curated            and user generated playlists are            indicating that innovation is needed            push adoption further
  • Sports rights            peaking, with the drop in            Premier League domestic rights the            evidence of the impending bubble           
  • Pay-TV budgets            to drama will catalyse the            in turn fuelling another content            for drama that will also            at some stage
  • Until then            TV will enjoy a renaissance            with unprecedented creative freedom and            bigger canvases to paint on

Companies and brands mentioned in this report:            Century Fox, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, AT&T, BT, DanDTM, DirecTV, Disney, Facebook, FCC, Instagram, Logan Paul, MySpace, Microsoft, Netflix, PewDiePie, the Premier League, Prime, Sky, Snapchat, Spotify, Sprint, Tidal, Windows Media Player, Zoella