Advertising in China Reaching the Most Digitally Savvy Consumers
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20,000 Foot View: Streaming, both music and video, are in the early follower phase of consumer adoption in China. While they are still niche consumer segments, their behaviours will become more widely adopted. Chinese consumers in these segments increasingly curate their content, including the extent to which they pay attention to the advertising messages they receive. Chinese streaming consumers are important to advertisers because they are indicative of the behaviours of the growing middle class, complete with more spending power and a taste for international brands. They are also important because they offer key indicators to the growth trajectory of the overall digital consumer market in China.
Key Findings
- Digitally engaged consumers are a valuable and segment for marketers but are hard to reach because of ad avoidance of Chinese consumers switch their attention away from TV ads, rising to messaging app users, music streamers and of video subscribers of Chinese consumers use desktop ad blockers, rising to messaging app users, music streamers and of video subscribers of Chinese consumers use desktop ad blockers, rising to messaging app users, music streamers and of video subscribers
- Digitally savvy consumers are though more likely respond to relevant targeting of Chinese consumers pay attention to relevant advertising, rising to messaging app users, music streamers and of video subscribers
- Chinese video are times more likely to three or more digital subscriptions, targeting opportunities and challenges
Companies and Products Mentioned: WeChat, Tencent, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Google, UCWeb, Alibaba