Reports Music

Addressable creator markets An opportunity with many layers

Mark Mulligan
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The 20,000 Foot View: The music creator tools space is undergoing a change that is simultaneously renaissance and transformation. The creator culture boom has driven an unprecedented degree of investment and investor interest. However, because the music creator tools space is a collection of diverse products and services, an underlying challenge has been how to identify exactly what the total addressable market (TAM) is. In this report, MIDiA presents the multiple TAMs, serviceable addressable markets (SAMs) and serviceable obtainable markets (SOMs) for music creator tools.

Key Insights

  • A fifth            adult consumers play an instrument            sing, with rates ranging from            low of            in Brazil to            high of            in South Korea
  • The music            gender imbalance is set to            with            of those who recently            an instrument being male, as                       of those that have started            learn
  • The addressable            for music creator tools is            by three TAMs and four            and SOMs
  • The core            is the number of people            play instruments, which stands at            adults globally. The larger ‘meta            is            million and also includes            that intend to learn
  •            million people record or produce their own music through a combination of analogue and digital tools, while            million make music with software
  • Electronic music            has the highest SOM ARPU                       while learning has the lowest                       The music software SOM ARPU                       sounds is            and artist services           
  • Just            (five            of the TAM for music            are currently releasing music

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amuse, Apple, CD Baby, Distrokid, GarageBand, Instagram, Logic Pro, Native Instruments, Soundcloud, Splice, TikTok, Tracklib, TuneCore, YouTube