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US Video Market Overview SVOD Grows The Pay-TV Market

Tim Mulligan
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20,000 foot view: The US continues to dominate global video trends as the world’s most valuable online video market. The video audience continues to experience strong growth fueled by a combination of increased technological sophistication of the addressable market and increased engagement of existing users. In tandem with these trends Subscription Video On Demand (SVOD) penetration is on the cusp of becoming a mainstream consumer activity with            of US consumers now subscribing. The US video market will experience further strong growth as it increasingly eats into linear TV.

Key Findings:

               of US consumers are SVOD users
  • US online            users will grow at a            of            between 2016 and 2020
  • The US            the world’s most valuable online            market with revenues of            billion            2016 
  • There were            services in the US in            2016 accounting for            million subscribers
  • The US            video market is a            horse            with Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus            Netflix accounting for            of all            with            million subscribers
  • Traditional pay-TV            declined by just            between June            and June 2016; SVOD grew                       million
  • This amounted            a net gain of            million            both segments - it is            to stop thinking about SVOD            traditional pay-TV as separate 
  • The Netflix/Amazon            allows scope for niche services            thrive
  • However, currently            services account for            of all            but just            of subscribers
  • Sports SVOD            account for            of all services                       of subscribers 
  • SVOD skews                       more females than males subscribe,                       of all US SVOD users)
  • SVOD is            pay-TV to younger audiences, with            penetration peaking at            among            year           

Companies and services mentioned in this report: Amazon Prime, Hulu Plus, Netflix, Spotify, iQYi, Facebook, YouTube,            HBO Now, WWE, Youtube Red, Google Chromecast, Roku