Reports Critical Developments

UK Ad Trends 2017 Digital Goes Mainstream As TV Declines

Report by Zach Fuller
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The 20,000 Foot View: 2017 proved to be a tipping point for the UK’s advertising industry, with annual digital advertising revenue overtaking TV for the first time. Not only did digital’s share of total ad spend in            grow to            this trajectory increased throughout the year due to print ad revenue haemorrhaging. The decline accelerated from            YoY for 2015 to 2016, to            in            2017, resulting in slow growth for the ad industry overall.

Key Findings

  • Total UK            spend in 2017 was approximately           
  •            billion was spent on digital advertising in            2017, with            billion for the full year
  • Digital ad            was            of the            UK total,            was a            increase on 2016           
  • UK TV            spend will fall            in 2017
  • Tech companies            replacing traditional companies as the            spenders on TV
  • In 2017,            Amazon, Facebook, Netflix were among            biggest spenders in UK television           
  • Direct mail            print advertising revenue will decline            in 2017
  • UK advertising            of            in 2017 has fallen            UK GDP growth of           

Companies and brands mentioned: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Procter and Gamble, Unilever