Reports Critical Developments

The Experience Economy The Value Shift In Media Assets

Zach Fuller
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The 20,000 Foot View: With content now a more difficult proposition in itself to sell directly, the overall experience becomes, for many, their central core monetisable proposition. We have already seen this development in the online world which is characterised by the transition from sales to consumption. Streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music and Netflix have garnered significant audience share from traditional media formats (Pay-TV, CDs, etc.) as they are less about selling the music itself and more about facilitating the overall experience of content discovery. Such is the extent of this new development that emerging areas of expertise such as Experience Design, an amalgamation of UX, data science and creative direction are increasingly in demand for businesses eager to understand this shift in spending patterns. Examining this development requires a consideration of the distinctions in engagement cohorts. This is the experience economy.

Key Findings:

  • Weighted Average            total Messaging App penetration is           
  • Media value            exists in four key areas            creation, distribution, experience) with market            shifting expenditure to the final            - the consumer experience
  • Total weekly            penetration is            while Instagram penetration                      
  • For            of            going out and having fun            their primary association with music,            a distinction between the social            and the personal value of            experience 
  •            of women attend big concerts (large venues) weekly as opposed to            of men            of women attend big concerts monthly compared to            of men
  • Recorded music’s            of the global music business            from            to            between            reflecting the            value of the experience-led live           

Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Access Industries, Apple, Disney, Facebook, Harvard Business Review, Instagram, Liberty Media, Lucas Film, Marvel Studios, Netflix, Snapchat, Spotify, WeChat, YouTube