Reports Critical Developments

Streaming Media Consumption Video Leads The Way

Zach Fuller
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The 20,000 Foot View: In this report, we present highlights of content trends from MIDiA’s Quarterly Brand Tracker, a survey fielded in the US, UK, Canada and Australia. This report explores how consumer behaviour evolved between            2017 and            2018 across music, video, games and social. 

Key Findings

  • Amazon Prime            users            are more likely to            multiple video subscriptions than Netflix                      
  •            of            year olds consume SVOD content either through their own subscription or a subscription that someone else pays for
  • Only            of            expressed a concern that it            increasingly inconvenient to subscribe to            services in order to access            shows
  • Only            of            olds and            of 20–24 year            say they pay for Amazon            Video
  •            of            year olds and            of 20–24 year olds in say they pay for Netflix            of            year olds identify as having left the TV ecosystem almost entirely in favour of video streaming services
  • Weekly active            of Amazon Prime Video was            stagnant since            2016, hovering around                       mark
  • Netflix’s weekly            users increased from            to           
  • At            penetration,            car has a wider scope            music listenership than the home                       or the smartphone           
  • Streaming services            an uphill battle to gain            in radio’s influential domain

Companies and brands mentioned in this report:            Century Fox, Amazon Prime Video, Apple, AT&T, Comcast, Disney, Netflix, Sirius XM, Spotify, Warner Media, YouTube