Snap Inc Q2 2017 Diminishing User Growth Dwarfs Revenue Increase

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The 20,000 Foot View: Snap Inc’s release of its second quarter earnings has been met with negative reception from the financial sector, as the company’s 2017 financial results, which was below analyst revenue projections, led to a corresponding slump in its stock price. The increased financial scrutiny to which the company has been subjected to since its IPO in March 2017, has raised questions about the strategic wisdom of Snap Inc going public, rather than retaining the relative operational privacy of being a private company. However, in spite of wide concerns with Snap Inc’s quarterly performance, its revenue and daily active user base have continued to grow at a steady pace, with costs having declined significantly between and 2017.
Key Findings
- Quarterly revenue by from million in to in
- Additional Daily Users additions has decreased from in in to million in
- Snap continues spend the majority of its budget on its team rather directly on R&D (Only of budget in was on staff
- Slowing user is necessitating a doubling down monetising its existing user base North America
- R&D expenditure by million which represented of R&D budget
Companies and brands mentioned: Snap Inc