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Killing Eve – A Case Study in Analysing Show Fandom

Tim Mulligan
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The 20,000 Foot View: Killing Eve season three was released in April 2020, the third instalment of a critically acclaimed genre-hopping comedy/drama spy thriller about a female intelligence operative obsessively hunting a female assassin. Defying conventional four-quadrant programming, the franchise has stood out amidst a bevy of more conventional competitors. However, the category-defying nature of the show has led to challenges of converting awareness into engagement. Once that engagement does kick in, Killing Eve fandom over indexes for viewing even when compared with fandom-superpower Game of Thrones.

Key insights

  • Killing Eve            has increased from            to            between            and            2020 in the US,            Canada, and Australia
  • Killing Eve            steadily increased its MIDiA Index            from            to            (out of            from            to            2020
  • Over the            period awareness has increased from                       in the US, UK, Canada,            Australia
  •            of UK consumers in            2020 were fans of Killing Eve, compared to            in the US
  • Killing Eve            a higher viewership-to-fandom ratio than            Boys, and higher awareness-to-viewership 
  • During            2020            Eve Wikipedia page views tripled,            the airing of season three
  • While Killing            fandom in the US is            consistent with streaming crime-hit Money            viewing penetration among the            age            is significantly higher, underlining the            fandom return on investment for            Killing Eve brand 
  • US Killing            fans are digitally savvy, with            subscriptions at three times the            average and being four percentage            more likely to have an            or an iPad than the            average 
  • However, US            Eve fans significantly under index            cord cutting, with Comcast being            preferred pay-TV operator 
  • Income distribution            evenly spread across the male-skewing            segment, with            year olds accounting                       of US            fans


This report is a review of trends and data established on Killing Eve engagement from            2018 to            2020 in the leading English-speaking markets of the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. MIDiA Research fields quarterly brand tracker consumer surveys in key countries for insight data and aggregates third-party indicator data to track demand globally from Wikipedia, google searches, social and critique sites. MIDiA specifically asks the demographically-weighted survey respondents the following three key questions on shows: 

Awareness: Do you know this show?

Viewing: Have you watched this show in the previous            months?

Fandom: Please indicate using a scale of            to            how much you like the show (MIDiA then assigns respondents who choose            and            as fans of the show).