India and China Media Trends 2018

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The 20,000 Foot View: China and India are undergoing significant change in their media industries. Both countries are viewed as two of the world’s potentially most lucrative economies for digital content, based upon their spectacular GDP per capita growth rate and their billion-plus respective populations. However, both countries are undertaking distinct growth trajectories reflecting the national imperatives of the two states: China has effectively locked out international competition for its media industry, while India has readily adopted international services into its highly-competitive media landscape. Uniting the two markets is the shared experience of having mobile first consumers engaging with media and entertainment options for the first time in their nation’s history.
Key Findings
- While streaming accounted for of all recorded industry revenue in 2017, in it was and China,
- China and combined music revenue increased by 2014 and 2017, nearly triple rate of the entire global industry in the same period
- No paid subscription service has more than in China or in India, to Netflix’s penetration in the and in the UK
- Despite being of China’s internet users claim access Netflix of Indian internet users use Netflix despite the fact it only launched in the country in early 2016 and of Chinese and Indian consumers pay for more than three digital subscriptions
Companies and brands mentioned in this report: Amazon, Baidu, BesTV, China Radio & TV, China Telecom, Deezer, Eros Now, Hotstar, Hungame, IQiYi, Kugou, Kuwo, Netease, Netflix, QQ Music, Saavn, Sohu Video, Spotify, Star, Tencent Music, Xami, Youku Tudou