From casual listeners to podcast purists Mapping podcast platform preferences

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20,000 foot view:
Consolidation has arrived in audio. As some tech companies turn to a multi-format strategy to keep users engaged, it becomes more difficult for single-format platforms to compete for the same subscriber base. Companies sticking to the single-format vision of podcasting run the risk of losing even more market share to YouTube and Spotify, but there remains a highly engaged niche of podcast purists that are still serviceable by the single-format platforms. Though the casual listener tends to make decisions based on convenience –– and will therefore prefer the multi-format platform –– smaller companies can still compete for “podcast purists” by focusing on their niche and premium content and feature preferences.
Key data and insights in this report:
- Data on uptake of audio subscriptions and multiple subscriptions
- Most popular podcast platforms (e.g., YouTube, Spotify)
- Usage rates of podcast platforms for high and low podcast users, and why they choose their platforms
- Consumer actions and follow ups after listening to podcasts
- Analysis of strategy for both niche and mainstream podcast platforms
Survey data is from MIDiA’s Q2 2024 consumer survey, fielded in US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, South Korea, and Brazil.
Table of contents:
Words: 4422
Pages: 19
Infographics: 5
Figure 1: The challenges faced by subscriptions
Figure 2: Podcast accessibility
Figures 3 and 4: The where and why behind platform usage
Figure 5: The engagement habits and behaviours of podcast consumers
Companies and brands mentioned: Amazon Music, Amazon Prime, Apple, Audible, Downcast, Google, Luminary, Overcast, Spotify, and YouTube