Audio’s entertainment value Examining audio listeners’ cross-entertainment lives

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Typically, the marketing team for a games company or TV show would not be thinking of audiobooks and podcast listeners as a key consumer segment to address. Yet, podcast and audiobook listeners are digitally sophisticated and spend more time and money than the consumer average on most forms of entertainment – including games, music, and video. This makes podcast and audiobook listeners highly valuable segments that companies from all areas of entertainment should be engaging with – be it for the sake of nurturing fandom and engagement with their core entertainment proposition or to monetise directly. In the saturated attention economy, it is high time for entertainment companies to have carefully thought through audio-related strategies.
Key data and insights in this report:
- Weekly hours spent on entertainment formats, by consumer segment, Q2 2024
- Music streaming behaviour and music spending behaviour by audio consumer segment, Q3 2024
- Video viewing behaviour and social video spending behaviour by audio consumer segment, Q3 2024
- Game engagement behaviour and game spending behaviour by consumer segment, Q3 2024
- TV and movie watching behaviour and TV and movie spending behaviour by audio consumer segment, Q2 2024
This report sources data from:
- MIDiA Research consumer survey Q2 2024, US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Sweden, South Korea, Brazil, n =9,000
- MIDiA Research consumer survey Q3 2024, US, UK, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Netherlands, Japan, Mexico, n =9,000
Words: 4153 Infographics: 7 Pages: 28
Companies and brands mentioned: Netflix, Shazam, Spotify, TikTok, and YouTube