Reports Audio

Audio psychographics Understanding why people listen

Rutger Rosenborg
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20,000 foot view

With so much content competing for consumers' attention, it is not enough to just give them ways to spend their limited resources (time and money). Audio companies must also give consumers reasons to do so. Therefore, to grow the audio market, knowing the reasons consumers choose one format over another is key to driving audience strategy, product strategy, and industry growth. This report examines the why of audio in English-speaking markets, stitching together the social behaviours, moods, and activities that contribute to consumer motivations that drive listening for podcasts, audiobooks, and music.

Key data and insights included in this report:

  • Comparison of audiobook listeners and physical book reader behaviours
  • Analysis of audio formats listened to when with friends and alone
  • Audio format preferences for when bored, need a pick-me-up or in need of a laugh
  • Audio formats consumers turn to when they want to relax or hear / learn new things
  • Analysis of the most popular audiobook genres

Survey data is based on MIDiA Research consumer surveys Q1 2023 and Q1 2024. Data is available by all consumers, by age, by gender and by weekly active user base of the services above. Countries in scope of this report include US, UK, Australia, and Canada.

Table of contents:

Number of words: 3304

Number of infographics: 4

Number of pages: 16

Key insights

Figure 1: Audiobook listeners versus book readers: what makes them tick?

Figure 2: Anti-social audio

Figure 3: Where do audio consumers go for the emotional highs and lows?

Figure 4: Understanding consumer motivations during certain activities


Companies and brands mentioned: Audible, Bo Burnham, Endel, Netflix, Reactional, Spotify, and “Weird Al” Yankovic