Become a MIDiA client

We work with all types of media businesses in music, video, games, audio and marketing as well as financial institutions. Partner with MIDiA to leverage our expertise and powerful intelligence platform for your company or project.

Get in touch today and discover how we can help you gain greater value through actionable audience and market insights.

Subscription Plan - Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a MIDiA subscription plan last?

MIDiA subscriptions last anything from 12 months upwards, many of our clients benefit from multi-year relationships with us.

What is a subscription plan?

A full platform subscription is access to all reports, across all verticals. You also have access to all of our data via Data Explorer and the analyst enquiry service.

Can I purchase a report and subscribe to the platform later?

Yes, we allow clients that purchase reports to credit the cost against a subscription to our research platform, if done within three months of the original report purchase.

What type of reports do you write?

Our reports cover Audience Insight, Business Strategy, Cultural Trends, Fandom, Marketing Strategy and Product Strategy.

What research verticals do you have?
  • Music
  • Games
  • Video
  • Audio
  • Social
  • Critical Developments
What type of data do you have?

We have a range of proprietary data that clients use to help make strategic decisions, including:

Consumer Survey Data - We field surveys every quarter in 10 markets around the world, asking attitudinal and behavioural questions to understand device engagement and content consumption.

Forecasts - Market projections on total revenue, revenue distribution splits, number of subscriptions versus unique subscribers, unsupported revenue, ARPU, market saturation, and more in music, video, and games.

Company-level metrics - Subscriber numbers, market share, and revenue for a range of direct service providers (DSPs) across music and video.

What is the analyst enquiry service?

MIDiA's analyst enquiry service allows clients to field a range of queries to our analyst team. Qualifying enquiries include anything we can answer in 1-2 hours, utilising our existing suite of data and insights. Enquiries might range from asking questions about themes addressed in our reports to questions about developments across the value chain or your own strategy.

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